Table to apply discipline to children according to their age

When can we start to discipline our children? Many parents think that their children cannot learn or follow particular rules and they relax about implementing rules at home. When the child is 4 or 5 years old, she has taken charge of the position, and switching her mood or behavior is more complex. The boundaries and discipline that we implement in the education of children must be adjusted according to their age.

Table to set limits for children according to age

Discipline can be implemented in children from the first stages and it is also the best so that there are peace and order at home. In fact, all the psychologists with whom I have conversed tell me that in their work the main obstacle they find between parents and children is the lack of discipline in children.

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Discipline and limits for children 0-2 years

It is a stage of exploration, discovery, and exoticism. The challenge of getting around and doing something for themselves is infinite. At this step, children are heedless of the risk, therefore, our work of discipline towards them must be concentrated on stopping to circumvent accidents, both at home and in the park.

The anger has to be controlled through comfort and, above all, intervention in the initial stages, and then we have to neglect them and not give in to “blackmail”. We must reduce power conflicts and always show what we demand of them without shouting. They are still growing to use time out, but it does help to exclude them from the situation to encourage them to calm down.

We must not overstimulate them and we must encourage them to collaborate with us.

Limits and discipline of a 3- to 4-year-old child

They are already more self-sufficient and this satisfies them with self-confidence, although at the same time they have more passion to prove themselves. Violence or anger may be expected. It is also the stage where they can get baffled over little stuff.

We must establish rules and boundaries, few and very manageable. They can already realize that if they perform something wrong, it will have an outcome. Therefore, we can utilize the educational outcomes. For this we must remind them and define what will occur if they act badly, continually giving examples because “misbehaving” is too broad a theory for them. The outcomes must be concise, short, and quick, we cannot punish him for a full day without television, but for a few moments without playing.

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Limits and discipline for 5-year-old

They have slowly learned the outcomes of their actions, therefore a sense of shame emerges. They can follow the rules and also benefit from homework, however, it is common for them to try to force things to the boundary to get what they want. They can better manage their desires and anger, although they may have an outbreak of rage on occasion.

We can begin to make them realize what understanding is, the impact that our actions have on others, motivate them to put themselves in the position of the other. We must proceed to apply educational outcomes to wrongdoing. We can practice the “time out” before poor behavior or anger.

How to discipline children ages 6 to 7

How to discipline children ages 6 to 7

They are improving their social skills and are beginning academics. They have to discover to manage themselves not only at home but also at school. They must understand that they do not have to yell, hit, or hurt their colleagues, in short, learn to communicate with their rivals in a friendly way.

At this step, children perform better with positive support, that is, not only praising him if he does his homework or complies with what we ask him but also providing small achievable premia, for example, “When you complete all the responsibilities, we play for a while mutually to make constructions “.

We must start to discipline children in the prevention and not only to help them, that is, to find answers to potential disputes that may occur and not only to criticize them when they do something wrong. Keeping our word when we give an outcome is imperative to discipline children.

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The limits for children from 8 to 10 years

At this stage, he must have already thought which are the rules and boundaries that we require at home, and at school, his challenge will be to fit in with his group of friends.

He understands the distinctions between what is right and what is wrong, but we must have a dialogue when faced with bad conduct, the child will want to debate. We will have to talk about what he did and try to find out why.

You will want to negotiate, avoid your responsibilities, and will seldom be unmotivated. We can give you choices if you need to negotiate, we will not perform your duties if you leave them undone and we will try to reinforce you to maintain the effort. The opportunities will be for good performance.

6 tips on what to do with a child without limits

6 tips on what to do with a child without limits

Children can be helped confidently and constructively, without warnings or punishment. The essential thing is that the child is made conscious of all her attitudes. That the child is cognizant of what he has performed wrong and that he try it himself, improve it. When criticizing your child for something they did wrong, you should keep in mind: [1]

  1. Wait for the right moment to get your child’s attention

There are moments when it is more beneficial to wait to be alone and communicate with your child. Do not criticize him in front of others, neither siblings nor friends.

  1. Focus only on your child’s misbehavior and listen to him

Talk or criticize him only for what he has done right now and not on past attitudes or blunders. Don’t make it messy. It is more helpful to concentrate on the present, listen to everything he has to say, and talk only about what he has done at that time.

  1. Do not compare or build fears in your child

Comparing your child with his siblings or friends is completely unsuitable for the development of his self-esteem. It can harm your self-worth and self-esteem. Threats are also ineffectual resources. They will just make children obey out of terror and not out of respect.

  1. Do not yell or insult your children You

teach your children your anger but for this, you don’t require to make use of yelling or abuses. You will only get the child to emulate you to solve their disputes. Boisterous harms their self-esteem confuses them, and they will lose trust in you.

  1. Make use of firmness and consistency

For the child to know what you demand of him, all boundaries that you apply must be determined and logical. There is no point in not allowing him to do something today and let him do it the following minute. The child has to understand what you demand of him, simply, and without reservations.

  1. Do not ignore or lose your calm

One thing is that you get offended with your child for what he has performed wrong, and another is to prevent loving him. Even if you criticize your child for something, you should never neglect it or take it away from your love and kindness. Even if he misbehaves, he must always recognize that you love him and that you will forever be there. Criticizing or calling attention to children is also a style of loving them. You can read more articles like “Table to apply discipline to children according to their age” in our Kids Education category. Published By