How To Encourage Your Child To Drink More Water?

As part of maintaining a healthy body temperature, delivering nutrients and oxygen to our cells, and protecting and nourishing our internal organs, our bodies contain a large amount of water. As we move throughout the day, our bodies lose water in sweat, urine, and even though our breath. It is, therefore, crucial to maintaining hydration by replacing lost water.

Children must drink enough water each day. Depending on the child’s age and gender, the amount of water he or she needs may vary. Therefore, you are probably interested in knowing, “How much water should kids drink each day?”In this article, you’ll learn all you need to know about how to encourage your child to drink more water. Let’s start!

What is the optimum amount of water to drink for a child?

Both dehydration and overhydration (hyponatremia) can harm a child’s body, and neither is desirable. The following amounts of water are recommended for a child based on their age and gender by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academies.

optimum amount of water to drink for a child
An optimum amount of water to drink for a child by age and gender | Images|

Healthy drinks and fruits, as well as vegetables and fruits, can add to a child’s daily water intake beyond plain water.

You should give your child more water if they are outside participating in physical activities in the sun, especially if they sweat substantially. Take time to drink water beforehand, while doing the activity, and afterward.

Related: Water Intoxication In Babies: Reasons, Symptoms, and Treatment

What Are the Signs That My Child Is Hydrated?

If children lose excessive amounts of water and salt and do not replace the fluids that they have lost, they can become dehydrated. Keep an eye out for these signs if you want to determine if your child needs to drink more fluids.

The frequency of urination and the color of the urine you observe should give you insight into your child’s health. In the case of frequent urination, and urine that is clear or light yellow, there is no need to be concerned. The urine in their urine could be dark yellow from dehydration if they barely urinate and the color of their urine suggests dehydration.

Also, you can apply a pinch test by gently pinching your child’s wrist or hand back and observing the reaction. It is an indication of healthy hydration when the skin instantly returns to its original form. An indented tongue can be an early sign of dehydration if it takes a long time to return to its original shape.

Other signs and symptoms of dehydration in children include the following:

  • The mouth and tongue are dry
  • Crying without tears
  • Fever
  • Sleepy or drowsy for no apparent reason
  • Anxiety
  • Sunken eyes
  • Having difficulty urinating

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List Of 13 Best ways to assist your child to drink more water

Water is often forgotten to be consumed by kids, and getting them to drink water on their own is challenging. Here are some ideas for getting your child to drink more water.

  1. While traveling with your child, keep some bottles of water on hand. Place one bottle in your child’s backpack and one in your vehicle. They can drink whenever they feel thirsty by having their own re-usable bottle at school.
  2. Get your child into the habit of drinking water. From childhood, this habit will benefit them throughout their lives. Set a time during the day when you drink water, such as one glass before bedtime, etc.
  3. Make sure that they are not drinking unhealthy sugary drinks, and allow water to be their preferred drink.
  4. Your child should be given their own bottle at home that they must drink water from frequently throughout the day to complete the bottle. As soon as the water bottle is empty, praise them.
  5. Your child’s water jug or water bottle will look more inviting if you add colorful berries or lemons.
  6. Get them a nice water bottle, mug, or cup, and place it near the refrigerator or study table so they can reach it easily. Seeing the water will remind them to drink it.
  7. The water should be cooled. The ice cubes you use for this should come in different shapes, such as ice cubes in the shape of stars or hearts. Put the ice cubes in their transparent bottles or water pitchers with a few mint leaves or colorful fruit juices.
  8. Calculate the total amount of water each family member consumes at the end of the week and set a family goal to drink water every day. People who drink enough water are rewarded.
  9. Get your child a cool-looking straw to encourage them to drink more water. It will be easier for them to drink water this way.
  10. They are encouraged to do it more often when adults teach them the actions they do most often. Your child can therefore learn to use the water dispenser at home. You will see that they will comply gladly and also drink water if you trust them with such a responsibility.
  11. Add plenty of fruits and vegetables high in water content to your child’s diet if he or she is fussy when offered water.
  12. Tech-savvy children can have an app installed that will remind them to drink water at regular intervals.
  13. Finally, show them by example by drinking water regularly yourself, so they will pick up the habit by watching you.

You will find that kids are more likely to drink water if you keep water visible and accessible throughout your house. Whenever possible, sit with your children and explain why water is so important to them. You should also be careful not to overhydrate them.