If you are planning another pregnancy or expecting again and want to continue breastfeeding then you must have some questions in your mind. In kidsrush.com, we will try to answer these 5 important questions for breastfeeding while pregnant.
As your kid surpasses his 9-month landmark and near to his first birthday, You may be planning your next pregnancy. Of course, every mother is different. Whatever decision you have made or if you have not given much consideration to more kids yet – is what works well for you and that is really wonderful.
We recommend you to read another article How to prepare for a healthy pregnancy |7 Tips|.
If you have found out that you are pregnant again or if another pregnancy may be right in front of you, probably you have some questions about breastfeeding while pregnant. Making sure that doing so is secure for both your kid and your developing fetus is necessary as your pregnancy progresses. Because during breastfeeding hormones like oxytocin are released and they can cause mild uterine contractions. Actually, our first tip for breastfeeding during pregnancy is very important. So jump in!
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Tips for breastfeeding while pregnant
1: First of all check with your healthcare provider
When it comes to your babies you can never be too cautious. Generally, breastfeeding while pregnant is safe. Though some amounts of pregnancy hormones can be existing in your milk these hormones are not harmful to your breast milk-feeding baby. Additionally, the oxytocin hormone is released in very small amounts during a nursing session. So it’s not sufficient to induce preterm labor. The contractions caused by the oxytocin hormone are very little and only sometimes increase the chances of having a miscarriage. Keep in mind that smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, so avoid them. However, there are some confident situations when your doctor may advise weaning your child.
These circumstances could be:
- If you are at risk for miscarriage or your pregnancy is considered high risk
- If you are carrying twins
- Experiencing vaginal discharge or uterine pain
- If you were advised to prevent sex while pregnant
Discussing the matter with your healthcare provider will be a difficult part of determining whether you should continue breastfeeding while pregnant. That’s ok if it is not urged for your unique situation. You have done a great job and now it is vital for your body to ready for your new baby and the next phase of your breastfeeding journey.
2: Sit or lie down while breastfeeding
It is not a secret now that pumping and/or nursing requires energy, something that can be difficult or hard to come by with both a developing pregnancy and a baby. Make sure to sit or lie down in a relaxing place when pumping or breastfeeding to give yourself some extra time to rest as your baby is fed. You may need to get creative with new nursing or pumping positions as your pregnancy continues to progress.
3: Monitor your milk supply
Many mother’s milk supplies will start to contraction around months 4 to 5 after birth. So is very essential to begin incorporating other nutrition into your baby’s diet. There is no reason to be concerned if kids are satisfied after breast milk feeding and are meeting their weight and growth markers.
Any other nutrition your baby is receiving will make up for any permanent or temporary decrease in their breast milk intake. Talking with your child’s doctor or an experienced lactation consultant can be specifically helpful during this time.
Once your newborn arrives, they need to get your early milk or colostrum. With that in mind, you may choose to breastfeed him or her first and temporarily limit your older child’s breastmilk feeding during these essential first few days after the new baby’s birth. In this scenario, we recommend you read another article on kidsrush.com which is about How to make more breast milk.
4: Acknowledge your diet
Till now you know all about how eating well is essential for the health of your baby – both after birth and during your developing pregnancy, while breast milk feeding. However, absorbing extra calories is also crucial for you, breastfeeding and mammal pregnancy both require a lot of energy. So it is substantial to ensure you are absorbing enough calories to maintain your own overall wellness. A general of thumb is:
If your breast milk-feeding baby also eating other foods then consider consuming 500 extra calories or if he or she is under six months old then 650 extra calories are required.
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5: Invest in the nipple and breast care
Sore nipples can be a usual ailment for breastfeeding mothers, but this can be evident if you are expecting and breastfeeding. This is because breast tenderness is an ordinary symptom of pregnancy. So taking time for your own care is valuable for both physical and mental wellness. Keeping a supply of products like hydrogel pads and lanolin can provide some much-needed relief.
In some situations breastfeeding during pregnancy can be done. Remember, even though you might be busy, tired, irritable, or exhausted, your body is providing important care to your kids. You got this, Super Mother, and we are here for you through every step (and each kid) along the way!