Can Sesame Seeds (Til) Cause Miscarriage During Pregnancy?

Known through multiple names such as bene, bene, gingelly, and til, sesame seeds are historically the oldest of all the domesticated crops, domesticated more than 3,500 years ago. Depending on the species of sesame plant, these seeds come in brown, black, yellow, and white shades.  They can be either unhulled or hulled (with or without the seed coat). Kids Rush explains when sesame seeds are fine to consume during pregnancy, and how they may affect the mother and her unborn child.

Do sesame seeds pose any risk during pregnancy?

Some women argue that sesame seeds can cause miscarriages. Tara Gidus, the nutritionist for Dummies, explains in her book Pregnancy Cooking and Nutrition, that there are hot foods that can trigger miscarriages in women.

Also, she mentions that there is no scientific proof for this claim, so sesame seeds do not need to be avoided during pregnancy. Therefore, moderate consumption is ideal.

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that til will harm an unborn child, and plenty of pregnant women consume til and til products without any adverse effects.

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Do sesame seeds pose any risk during pregnancy?

What Are The Nutrition And Health Benefits Of Sesame Seeds

  • Calcium: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends pregnant women consume 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day (1). Sesame seeds have 989 milligrams of calcium in every 100 grams. (2)
  • Iron: Iron requirements in pregnancy double and a deficiency could cause anemia. We need 27 micrograms of iron every day, and sesame seeds supply about 14.80 micrograms per 100 grams. (3) (4)

In reasonable amounts, sesame seeds are said to have other health-promoting nutrients necessary during pregnancy.

  • A fetus needs the goodness of sesame seeds, which are loaded with calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants. They also contain folates, folic acids, and vitamins A, D, E, and K that need to properly develop.
  • Increase a woman’s immune system during pregnancy by increasing vitamin C intake.
  • There are many nutrients in sesame seeds that are important for the proper development of a fetus, such as amino acids, proteins, and fats.
  • Sesame seeds are rich in fiber and can assist you during pregnancy with digestion.
  • They contain oleic acid a substance that helps you to lose weight and improve heart health.

There is a growing body of literature suggesting that sesame seeds may lower blood pressure. Various chemicals in sesame seeds help the skin heal and lower swelling on the face.

Although sesame seeds are not harmful to pregnant women, some women may be allergic to sesame seeds and should not consume them.

Throughout this article, we will discuss how to include sesame seeds in your diet.

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Tips for Including Sesame Seeds In Your Pregnancy Diet

Sesame seeds are ideal in everyday diets for the following reasons:

  • Eat fresh vegetables with a sesame dip (tahini) and warm sesame bread.
  • You will get even more flavor and nutritional value from adding sesame seeds to the basic coriander or mint chutney.
  • Cook the chutney and combine with mains including steamed rice or quinoa.
  • Roasted sesame seeds are delicious as a garnish on noodle meals, curries, and more.
  • Til ladoo, chikki, and revdi (Indian sweets) can provide a sweet and savory balance, respectively.

Sesame seeds not only add flavor to your food, but they are also nutritionally dense. It is better to consume them in moderation.

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Effects of Eating Too Much Sesame Seeds during Pregnancy

It’s possible to encounter some risks when eating sesame seeds:

  • When your pregnancy is still in the beginning stages, do not eat them in excessive amounts since your body is still tender. If you notice any spotting after eating your sesame seeds, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.
  • Since seeds, including sesame, include some of the most common food allergens in the United States, it is best to avoid them if you have a history of allergies to seeds.

Nevertheless, they should always be consumed in moderation and accompanied by a doctor’s supervision.

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  1. Sesame seeds – black or white – are healthier for you?

Although black seeds retain their hulls, white seeds have their hulls removed, there is no conclusive evidence one is healthier than the other. Both seeds have the same composition, so there are only differences in taste and smell.

  1. How does sesame oil (ginger oil) affect a pregnant woman?

Likewise, olive or canola oils may be good choices for you and your baby, as these fats may help you meet your dietary requirements for healthy fats. These fats may help your baby absorb fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.

Sesame seeds during pregnancy can pose some concerns for women. Consult your doctor if you have any more questions or concerns. If you have anything else to share on sesame seeds as a portion of food during pregnancy, please comment below.