What to do if the child has a toothache?

It is common for the baby to be agitated during the teething period. But, it will apparently not be the last time that he encounters a toothache. Throughout life, it is normal for a person to face numerous illnesses, and one of them, and one of the most bothersome affects the tooth. Children can suffer toothache for many different causes besides teething. We show you in which circumstances their teeth can irritate and what we have to do in each state. In this article, we will discuss what to do if the child has a toothache. Keep reading!

Can toothache cause fever in a child?

Most maximum toothaches are produced by cavities. Besides pain, a toothache may cause fever and a common sense of tiredness (malaise). X-rays can diagnose difficulties within the tooth.

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When the child has a toothache or pain in the teeth

toothache in kids
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All or substantially all of us recognize how irritating a toothache is, so much so that it sometimes deadens us and stops us from carrying out other duties, and it can be very hard. What’s more, pain from a tooth can spread throughout the jaw and even the head. That is why, if the child laments of a toothache, we must respond as soon as possible to evade unnecessary distress. What we should do if the child has a toothache?:

Observe the child’s mouth to rule out other complications

Not all discomfort in the tooth is an emergency, and it is not always needed to run to the dentist because some pain may be due to reasons other than the teeth such as earaches, sores, or sinusitis. In these circumstances, your pediatrician will restart the proper treatment.

If the pain produced by a tooth that moves

We must urge the child not to give in to the lure of moving the tooth with the tongue or the fingers, something that will not only create more pain but can also make the displacement of the tooth that comes behind. If he grieves a lot, we can rinse him with warm salt water, as it benefits to overcome inflammation and decreases pain. You can also use a little hydrogen peroxide with a cotton swab to the area.

If the pain caused by a new tooth that is coming out

You can utilize topical solutions, pediatric gum gel, or analgesic or anti-inflammatory medicines. Furthermore, it is useful to keep the child entertained to avoid constantly thinking about pain.

In the case of cavities

Cavities usually are seen with the naked eye. If, in a first examination, we recognize that that tooth has changed color compared to the others and has a yellow, brown, or black tone. It can set us on the track of potential cavities. We must ask the dentist for a discussion so that he can confirm and treat the obstacle. Until you go to the meeting, again, we can offer analgesic or anti-inflammatory, according to the general recommendation of your pediatrician.

When the child breaks a tooth

When the child breaks a tooth
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In those circumstances, it is suggested to go to the dentist instantly if it is with the piece of the tooth that fell, even better, so that he can glue it back. The stomatologist himself may designate ibuprofen to the child to avoid the toothache that may remain after the blow.

You can read more articles similar to What to do if your child has a toothache, in the Kids Health category at Kidsrush.com. Published By Kidsrush.com