How to relieve gastroesophageal reflux in the baby?

How to relieve gastroesophageal reflux in the baby:  

Gastroesophageal reflux disease in the baby is a relatively common disorder, most commonly in infants fed milk formula with breastfeeding, since breast milk is more easily digested. Its origin, in addition to limited tolerance to milk, maybe due to the immaturity of the digestive tract or due to a physical problem, in which case it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Tips for Treating Gastroesophageal Reflux in Babies

As a general rule, infants under 3 months of age can spit up daily without reflux, so other symptoms should also be observed, such as post-feed discomfort, rejection of the breast or distracted and jerking feedings, and/or shortage in weight gain.

Sometimes, the baby does not have much problem vomiting milk, even if it is not small amounts, but gains weight normally and is satisfied and without discomfort, so even if there is reflux, it does not need treatment.

Normally, reflux disappears as the digestive system matures, around 7-8 months, and almost completely before one year of age, but when breastfeeding, the mother can take certain dietary precautions to try to help the infant.

In the first place, it is convenient to remember that, although in the case of babies fed with formula milk some of the advice may be valid, what should never be done is to alter the amounts of milk or water to make it thicker, since it is extremely dangerous for the health of the infant. What we must do is:

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Postural changes

Offer the baby the breast or the bottle in a position in which it is slightly incorporated, and maintain that position after feeding and, as far as possible, while the baby sleeps, either by raising the crib or by using the portage. It is also usually advisable to make sure that the baby empties the first breast well before offering more since the milk at the beginning contains more lactose, which is more difficult to digest.

Change in the baby’s diet

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Gastroesophageal reflux in the baby can be a symptom of possible food intolerances, and cow’s milk is in the lead. To observe if the proteins in cow’s milk are the cause of the intolerance, the mother must maintain an elimination diet for at least 2-3 weeks, subsequently introducing dairy to confirm.

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Change in the mother’s diet

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Citrus fruits, tomatoes, caffeinated drinks, alcoholic beverages, or chocolate can also aggravate the symptoms of reflux in the infant. Some can be set changes in the mother’s diet to see if the reflux of the breastfed infant improves. These changes are strict, eliminating potentially worsening foods for a minimum of two weeks and then reintroducing them every 4-5 days.

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Observe symptoms

It is very useful to keep a diary of what is ingested since it can help to decipher the possible changes in the infant’s symptoms. Although, obviously, this only helps if the reflux is caused by the mother’s diet.