How To Help A Baby Who Refuses To Eat?

How To Help A Baby Who Refuses To Eat

Among babies, changing appetite patterns are not uncommon. Some days they may eat well, but other days they may refuse to eat. This phenomenon is known as an appetite slump. Knowing the exact cause of such changes ensures that babies remain healthy as they grow. In this article on, we will tell you how … Read more

What Are the Risks and Benefits Of Giving An Infant Benadryl?

Infant Benadryl

Cough and cold medicine containing an antihistamine such as diphenhydramine (found in Benadryl), chlorpheniramine, or brompheniramine should not be prescribed for children under two years old. Besides, people who administer Benadryl to young children should not alter the dosages intended for older children. In addition to the risks of giving Benadryl to young children, according … Read more

Can Sesame Seeds (Til) Cause Miscarriage During Pregnancy?

Til or sesame seeds during pregnancy

Known through multiple names such as bene, bene, gingelly, and til, sesame seeds are historically the oldest of all the domesticated crops, domesticated more than 3,500 years ago. Depending on the species of sesame plant, these seeds come in brown, black, yellow, and white shades.  They can be either unhulled or hulled (with or without … Read more

Probiotics for Children: Are They Healthy For Your Kids?

Probiotics for Children

It uses good bacteria in the body to replenish the good bacteria. Probiotics are frequently prescribed for illnesses like irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, and the common cold. Probiotics are typically used by adults without negative side effects, but are they the same for children? This is what you need to know. What is a probiotic? … Read more

Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Chart and Guidelines

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

From how much weight you need to gain to how it is distributed in your body, find out all you need to know about pregnancy weight gain during pregnancy. Plus: Why you shouldn’t worry too much about losing the baby weight after you have given birth. When you’re expecting, your mind can be distracted by … Read more