Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant?

Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant?

Once you have made the selection to try and delay can give the impression like you are waiting for something that will never happen. Each trip to the store can bring signs of all the other pregnancies going on around you. Every month’s cycle without a favorable outcome can bring feelings of failure or disappointment.

You may start feeling or thinking that there is something wrong. After all, how is it possible for babies to be born every day, but you can get pregnant. Right? You may become depressed, anxious, or even desperate.

Don’t worry, you are not alone if you are thinking or feeling in these ways. Favor us to pass along some information on realistic timing, the uttermost common fertility issues, and some ways to increase your chances.

Although knowledge is powerful we can not guarantee that you will be pregnant next month, knowing more may support you on a way to your own baby.

How long should it take?

When to visit the doctor?
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If you are in your first weeks of trying for a baby, it might be unexpected to you that getting pregnant is not happening as quickly or as fast as you expected.

Healthy couples will create within one year if they are trying actively to conceive.

If your age is under 35 and trying to get pregnant for a year, you should talk to your doctor about seeing a specialist. If your age is above 35 then you will want to see a specialist after six months of actively trying.

Why am I not getting pregnant?

Major causes of infertility include:


If you want to become pregnant, sperm needs to come in contact with the egg during ovulation. It is not a fair game to do this every day of the month.

If you have not narrowed or you have just started on an exact ovulation window yet, you could be trying to get pregnant at an inaccurate time during the month. To address this issue you can track menstrual cycles.

It is valuable to remember that even if you have persistent when you ovulate it is not a guarantee that sex during that time will result in pregnancy. According to research, there is only a 20 percent chance of pregnancy each month by a healthy 30-year old.

Ovulation point in question

This could be a possible reason that you are not getting pregnant. It can be nearly impossible or almost difficult to become pregnant if you are not ovulating. In this case, you will want to communicate with a fertility specialist about procedures and additional tests they can offer to help identify and regulate why ovulation is not occurring.

Sperm/semen Issues

While it is valid those who do so can produce sperm their whole lives there is also a query of sperm quality. The shape, number, and movement (motility) of sperm can affect fertility. If there is a worry, your provider can do a semen analysis. So in contact with your provider to solve semen issues if you are not getting pregnant.

Age-related issues

Sometimes sex does not matter, all people can find it rocklike to produce children as they age.

Frequently speaking, a person with a uterus in the early 20s and 30s has a 1 in 4 chance of getting pregnant each month. The chance of getting pregnant decreases after age 30, and when they reach to 40s, they have very few chances ( 1 in 10) of getting pregnant each month.

The chances of becoming pregnant are very low for a person with a uterus is 45.

Producing the sperm also decrease with age but that is not as easy to foretell as the decline of a person with a uterus.

Fallopian tube issues

Eggs will not be able to get to a safe place for implantation and fertilization if fallopian tubes are blocked.

Uterine issues

The fertilized egg must implant in the uterus if you want to get pregnant. A buildup of tissue or a misshaped uterus in the uterus is two examples of things that can stop this process from happening as expected.

Birth control

Some kind of birth control can delay or impact future fertility even if they are stopped or reversed.

Some procedures of birth control like the pill or the condoms should not impact future fertility.

But some methods like contraceptive shots can delay or late fertility for months.

Other methods like vasectomy or a tubal ligation can have a long term influence on your fertility that may never be fully reversible.

Other medical issues

There are a lot of medical issues that can influence fertility. Some common ones include endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. It is important to speak with your health care provider sooner rather than later if you have a medical condition known to influence fertility.

In some cases, there may be a controversial diagnosis of exclusion or unexplained infertility. This means that even after testing there may not be an understandable cause to give a reason for why you are not getting pregnant.

Do not lose your hope. Working with your health care provider will allow you to decide on a path that works for you and to explore your options.

Can you increase your chances?

If you are disappointed with not being pregnant, but also not ready to see a fertility specialist just yet, there are some steps you can take or things you can do!

Recognize ovulation timing

If you have sex in the days during and before ovulation then you have a huge chance of getting pregnant. If you want a kid, you will want to know when ovulation is happening, so you can plan accordingly. To decide when you are ovulating you can track your menstrual cycle:

  • Before getting out of bed you can take your basal body temperature – at the same time, every morning, using a special thermometer that can read to a 10th of a degree. Ovulation is normally determined by a scanty temperature decrease and then a temperature increase for 3 days in a row.
  • Look for changes in cervical mucus. Estrogen levels will rise before ovulation, which can motive cervical mucus to increase and be more slippery and thinner. This is an indicator that it is a good sign to have sex if you want to conceive. When ovulation has developed, cervical mucus will usually become sticky, thick, and cloudy.
  • Use ovulation strips. Ovulation strips can be purchased at your local pharmacy as they work a lot like pregnancy tests. Tracking your ovulation by using cervical mucus changes and basal body temperature can help define when to begin using the test strips.

Request medical tests

You can talk to your doctor about seeing a specialist if you are not able to recognize ovulation using the above methods. A fertility clinic can handle more involved testing, like ultrasounds and blood hormone tests of your ovaries to determine whether ovulation is occurring.

Use sperm-friendly lube

Use sperm-friendly lube
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Feel about what lubricants you are using. Numerous lubricants can affect sperm negatively. We recommend avoiding things like:

  • Olive oil
  • Saliva
  • K-Y jelly
  • Astroglide

If you are looking for a lubricant, fertility-friendly options you could try instead include:

  • Canola oil
  • Mineral oil
  • Pre-Seed

Set a target on your overall health

To put yourself in the best position to be pregnant make lifestyle changes to get as healthy as possible. If you do not have regular periods, exercise, diet, and a healthy lifestyle can help your body to get in excellent alignment. These usual procedures are linked to better birth outcomes even if you have a regular period. So it can not hurt!

We recommend you meet with your OB-GYN before trying to get pregnant to talk about any existing health problems and get screened for any genetic problems. Here is some advice for you that can change your lifestyle include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight or working toward
  • Avoiding drugs, caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco
  • Finding ways to decrease or manage stress
  • Consuming vitamins


If no concern about what you try, you just can not give the impression to get a positive pregnancy test, the 1st step is recognizing any potential barrier. Frequently just a little tracking of your monthly cycles can consequence in pregnancy.

If there are no signs of a baby and the months passing very fast then a fertility specialist can work with you to increase your chances of getting pregnant and address any issues.

We advise you that do not to give up hope because the road to a baby is not a quick one and the journey which can lead you to the baby can be life-changing.