Newborn’s first week of life

Newborn's first week of life

This first week of the baby’s life will be very intense: coming home with a newborn is an incredible experience, so take a breath… and get ready for a few days when each day will be a new surprise! The first week of a newborn’s life How does your baby grow? During this week, all … Read more

5 Important Tips for Breastfeeding While Pregnant

5 Important Tips for Breastfeeding While Pregnant

If you are planning another pregnancy or expecting again and want to continue breastfeeding then you must have some questions in your mind. In, we will try to answer these 5 important questions for breastfeeding while pregnant. As your kid surpasses his 9-month landmark and near to his first birthday, You may be planning … Read more

8 tips for getting your children to bed early

8 tips for getting your children to bed early

8 tips for getting your children to bed early: Set a time for getting your children to bed early Choose a time from which, without protest, the child has to go to bed. The children must be made to understand that this moment will be immovable. The time set will depend on the customs of … Read more

Breastfeeding after cesarean delivery

Breastfeeding after cesarean delivery or c section

Breastfeeding after cesarean delivery: A common circumstance is a cesarean delivery, which is often called a cesarean section, rather than a vaginal delivery. If the cesarean section is done without planning, you may have had a long and difficult labor. If that’s the case, your doctor will be more concerned about your rest and recovery … Read more

How to avoid swelling of the face during pregnancy

How to avoid swelling of the face during pregnancy

Swelling of the face during pregnancy, specifically, the last three months is one of the biggest problems that affects at least 75% of future mothers. Although it is normal in feet, hands, ankles, and face, it should not be excessive and if you have other symptoms such as high blood pressure or unexpected weight gain, … Read more

How to decorate a children’s bathroom

decorate a children's bathroom

How to decorate a children’s bathroom: Some homes have more than one bathroom and when there are little ones at home, there is no better idea than to use one to create a bathroom for them. However, bathrooms for children must be spaces, in addition to being practical, very original, and fun so that they … Read more

Migraine in Children: Symptoms and Treatment

Migraine in Children: Symptoms and Treatment

Migraine in children is debilitating and can interfere with your daily tasks. This condition is even a cause of poor school performance. How to recognize it? Migraine is very common in children and, in fact, it can occur at any age. According to statistics from the Migraine Research Foundation, about 10% of school-age children suffer … Read more