What Are the Risks and Benefits Of Giving An Infant Benadryl?

Infant Benadryl

Cough and cold medicine containing an antihistamine such as diphenhydramine (found in Benadryl), chlorpheniramine, or brompheniramine should not be prescribed for children under two years old. Besides, people who administer Benadryl to young children should not alter the dosages intended for older children. In addition to the risks of giving Benadryl to young children, according … Read more

Probiotics for Children: Are They Healthy For Your Kids?

Probiotics for Children

It uses good bacteria in the body to replenish the good bacteria. Probiotics are frequently prescribed for illnesses like irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, and the common cold. Probiotics are typically used by adults without negative side effects, but are they the same for children? This is what you need to know. What is a probiotic? … Read more

Sleep Apnea In Children: Symptoms And Treatment

Sleep Apnea In Children

A child who suffers from pediatric sleep apnea has pauses in breathing while sleeping. Children as young as 2 to 8 years old are most likely to be affected by sleep apnea in the United States. One in four children in the United States suffers from sleep apnea, according to the American Sleep Apnea Association. … Read more

Hypothyroidism in Children: Causes and Symptoms

Hypothyroidism in Children: Causes and Symptoms

Thyroid disease affects 12 percent of the U.S. population during their lifetime, including children and newborns. When diagnosed, it can affect us at any age and any stage in our life. In this article on kidsrush.com, we will tell you about hypothyroidism in children: causes, symptoms, and treatment. Let’s start! The causes of hypothyroidism in … Read more

Unintentional Weight Loss in Children

Unintentional Weight Loss in Children

A lot of things can cause unintentional weight loss for children. These include thyroid problems, eating disorders, illness, and metabolism conditions. Weight loss in children with each of these problems can have adverse effects on their overall development and health. Consult your doctor if you suspect drastic weight loss in your child. Identification of unintentional … Read more

Mesenteric Adenitis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Mesenteric Adenitis

Lymph nodes (which contain lymphocytes) are small, bean-shaped organs found inside the abdomen that are affected by mesenteric adenitis. Lymph nodes can become inflamed or swollen. Their function is to facilitate the removal of infectious agents from the body. Lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system of the body, which is responsible for filtering out … Read more

Can Teething Cause a Fever in Babies?

Can Teething Cause a Fever in Babies?

A baby’s first tooth emerges between six and nine months, but it sometimes bleeds, hurts, and causes fussiness. Usually, the two front teeth on the bottom gums emerge first, but every baby is different. In this article on kidsrush.com, we will tell you can teething cause a fever in babies? Let’s Start! A fever can … Read more