Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Despite their seeming differences, hemorrhoids and varicose veins are often quite similar. These conditions are quite common, especially among women who are in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Hemorrhoid usually looks like twisted, swollen veins, whereas varicose veins look the same. These veins are typically found in the legs, though they can also appear outside the legs. A hemorrhoid is a blood vessel that forms in the rectum.

During pregnancy, why do women get varicose veins and hemorrhoids?

Blood normally flows toward the heart through one-way valves in veins. In the veins, blood can pool if these valves are weakened or under pressure. Their size and swelling are a result of this. An enlarged rectal vein causes hemorrhoids. Leg veins swell when varicose veins develop.

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids can occur during pregnancy due to a variety of factors, including:

  • An increase in blood volume leads to vein enlargement.
  • In addition, the baby’s growing material presses against the large vessels in the pelvis, affecting blood flow.
  • Changing hormones can affect blood vessels, slowing their return to the heart and causing swelling in the legs and pelvis veins.

When you strain or push, hemorrhoids may worsen, especially when constipated. It can also make them worse if you are overweight or have hemorrhoids before pregnancy. Hemorrhoids can also become worse with pushing during delivery.

A family history of varicose veins is common. A long period of sitting or standing can cause blood to be pumped harder by the veins. As a result, you may experience varicose veins and hemorrhoids will become worse. In addition to varicose veins, women can exhibit them in their genital area.

When pregnant, how do hemorrhoids and varicose veins manifest themselves?

Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

In addition to internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids form around the anal opening, when they form on the outside of the abdomen. Hemorrhoids can sometimes bulge through the back of the ana. A bright red bloody bowel movement is usually the first sign of a bleed. In addition to being painful or itchy, external hemorrhoids may bleed if irritated by rubbing or straining.

Varicose veins can be seen as large, twisted, or raised veins on the legs, usually on the calves or the inside of the leg. The swelling in your ankles and feet, aches, heaviness, and throbbing in your legs may result from them. Leg cramps are also possible with them. As well as appearing as large, twisted, raised veins, varicose veins in the genital area can also be hard to detect.

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What are the best way to diagnose pregnancy hemorrhoids and varicose veins?

Checking for varicose veins or hemorrhoids will be done by your healthcare professional.

During pregnancy, how do hemorrhoids and varicose veins get treated?

A hemorrhoidal condition during pregnancy is generally temporary, and after the birth of your baby, the condition will improve. You can still relieve the discomfort by doing these things:

  • Sit in a plain, warm tub or sitz bath for approximately 10 minutes several times each day if you have pain. Fill the tub only halfway when taking a tub bath. You only need enough warm water for a bath. Your rectum will be supplied with blood through that.
  • To reduce swelling, apply cold compresses or ice packs.
  • Find out if creams or other medicines, like stool softeners, are safe to use during pregnancy by speaking to your healthcare provider.

Ensure that your diet includes enough fiber and fluids to prevent constipation.

Avoid prolonged sitting, and do not strain your bowel movements. Regular Kegel exercises can help tone the muscles in your pelvic and vaginal area. They involve contracting and relaxing those muscles.

The majority of varicose veins that develop during pregnancy improve within one year after being born. As of now, avoid standing or sitting for an extended period of time without a break, and avoid crossing your legs. Whenever you sit or lie down, attempt to raise your feet and legs.

Those with varicose veins should avoid wearing tight clothing around their waists, thighs, and legs.

In case your symptoms worsen or if you experience excessive hemorrhoids bleeding, make sure you consult your healthcare provider. Remember that these problems are usually over quickly after delivery and that with the right treatment and time they will better.

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When I am pregnant, how can I protect myself from hemorrhoids?

Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Congestion during pregnancy is one of the best ways to prevent hemorrhoids. Constipation can lead to straining during bowel movements.

It is the same things you do to decrease symptoms of varicose veins that you can do to prevent them:

  • Spend as little time as possible standing still or sitting.
  • When you can, elevate your feet.
  • Keep your clothes loose.

Read Also: 9 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Development, and Activities

Here are a few points to remember about hemorrhoids and varicose veins during pregnancy

  • Hemorrhoid usually looks like twisted, swollen veins, whereas varicose veins look the same. Hemorrhoids are veins that form in the rectum, but they are usually found in the legs.
  • Hemorrhoids and varicose veins can be caused by many normal changes during pregnancy.
  • Varicose veins and hemorrhoids are temporary problems in pregnancy, and they disappear after giving birth to your baby.
  • They can cause discomfort, but you can ease it. If your healthcare provider recommends sitz baths, ice packs, or cold compresses to reduce swelling, or creams or other medications, such as stool softeners, you will need to follow those recommendations accordingly.

Congestion during pregnancy is one of the best ways to prevent hemorrhoids. Constipation can lead to straining during bowel movements.

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Steps to follow

Following are a few tips to make your healthcare visit more effective:

  • Understand the purpose of your visit and what you hope to accomplish.
  • Write down the questions you would like answered before your visit.
  • Take along someone with whom you can discuss your questions and remember what your provider has said to you.
  • Note down any new diagnoses, medications, treatments, and tests during the visit. You should also take note of any new instructions you receive from your provider.
  • Know why and how you will benefit from taking a new medicine or treatment. Know the side effects of the medication you are taking.
  • You may be able to treat your condition differently.
  • Identify what a given test or procedure means and why it has been recommended.
  • Understand what might happen if you do not take the medicine, have the test, or undergo the procedure.
  • Keep track of dates, times, and purposes of any follow-up appointments you have.
  • You should also know how to get in touch with your provider if you have a question.