Cramps During Pregnancy

Cramps During Pregnancy

When one or both sides of the abdomen feel pulled, this is a sign of abdominal cramps. Pregnant women may suffer from cramps, though they are not very common. It is rare that cramps are caused by pregnancy and are biological in nature. Although cramping could indicate pregnancy, it may also be a red flag … Read more

What Is The Cardiotocographic Record And What Is It Done For?

What Is The Cardiotocographic Record And What Is It Done For?

Although fetal wellbeing can be valuably inferred from the cardiotocographic record, some mothers may find it uncomfortable. In this section, we explain how the test is conducted. In pregnancy, cardiotocography can prove extremely useful. This test allows scientists to know whether a fetus is in good health or if there are any warning signs. An … Read more

Is Pregnancy Possible After Vasectomy?

Is Pregnancy Possible After Vasectomy?

The likelihood of a pregnancy after a vasectomy isn’t high, but it happens in about 1% of cases. To make the surgery effective and possibly reverse its effects in the future, it is crucial to be well-informed. Usually, infertility is permanent following vasectomy. As a result, this procedure should result in sterilization in a man, … Read more

Asthma During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Treatment and Complications

Asthma During Pregnancy

Pregnancy-related asthma is one of the most common medical conditions during which women suffer. However, it can be fairly severe. Due to swelling and excess mucus caused by asthma, the airways can become narrow, making breathing challenging for the person. This can cause wheezing, coughing, and a feeling of being short of breath. According to … Read more

Is It Safe To Use Calendula During Pregnancy?

Is It Safe To Use Calendula During Pregnancy?

Calendula and pot marigold are two plants that have medicinal benefits. Phytochemicals like carotenoids and phenols are also present, in addition to carbohydrates and phenols. In addition to antiseptic and stimulant properties, calendula is also antipyretic and antispasmodic. Calendula is an herb that has a wide range of medicinal uses and is safe during pregnancy. … Read more

Is It Safe To Take Tums During Pregnancy For Nausea And Heartburn?

Is It Safe To Take Tums During Pregnancy For Nausea And Heartburn?

In their third trimester, more than 80% of pregnant women experience heartburn. The discomfort of heartburn requires professional care, even though it is harmless. The generic antacid Tums may help treat heartburn. You can find’s guide to whether taking Tums during pregnancy is safe. discusses how it could help you as well as … Read more

Vaginal Bleeding During Pregnancy

Vaginal Bleeding During Pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most common time to experience vaginal bleeding, and usually, it’s no cause for alarm. Since bleeding can occasionally signify something more serious, it’s important to know what causes bleeding and to get checked out by your doctor to ensure you and your child are fine. Vaginal Bleeding in … Read more