First month of pregnancy: |Pregnancy stages|

First month of pregnancy

The body of the future mother begins to send signals that give rise to a suspicion of pregnancy. The confirmation will be made through a conventional pregnancy test sold in pharmacies, which serves to indicate if the woman is pregnant by analyzing a specific hormone in the woman’s urine, the hormone chorionic gonadotropin. Confirmation can … Read more

A step by step guide to stimulate weight gain in children

stimulate weight gain in children

Although obesity affects many children, some of them have a vested interest in gaining weight for their well-being. However, it is not about letting them eat what they want. You need to change their eating habits, focus on nutritious high-calorie foods, and discreetly feed them extra calories to help them gain weight. Before doing anything, … Read more

Weekly children’s menu for children from 6 to 12 years old

Weekly children's menu for children from 6 to 12 years old

A correct menu for children between 6 and 12 years old should avoid industrial pastries and snack products and include natural products such as nuts or fruits. Remember that it is preferable to cook the meats without the skin and the fat and cook with olive oil from time to time, although it is preferable … Read more

Weight and height of the baby, boy, and girl

Weights and height of the baby

The weight and height of babies say a lot about their physical development. From birth, the baby is weighed and measured and, especially, in the first year of its life, its weight and its growth measurements should be controlled by the pediatrician. The genetic inheritance and the time of gestation that the baby chooses to … Read more

Superhero Costume: How to make it at home?

Superhero Costume

Why buy a superhero costume when you can make one at home while having fun? Copy your beloved superhero’s costume or design your superhero with special powers using simple materials you presumably already have in your vestments. Think about the basics then put together your costume and start creating your superhero look! First Step: Gather … Read more

Causes of pimples on baby’s skin

Causes of pimples on baby skin

When we think of the baby’s skin, we imagine soft, rosy, velvety skin … but what mothers and fathers often do not imagine is that many blemishes and pimples may appear on the baby’s skin. Some do not require treatment and will resolve over time. Others require some specific treatments, continued for months, or sometimes … Read more