What is mastitis and how can you treat it?

What is mastitis and how can you treat it?

Mastitis is a breast infection that often causes pain or tenderness in one breast. Mothers usually get it during the first weeks of breastfeeding, but some may get it later. Treating this chest infection early is essential to prevent complications. Healthcare professionals often prescribe antibiotics to treat mastitis. Breastfeeding can help prevent and cure this … Read more

Changes in vaginal discharge during pregnancy

vaginal discharge during pregnancy

Changes in vaginal discharge during pregnancy: When a woman knows that she is pregnant, she may experience some fear of sudden changes in her body or of some signs that may seem suspicious to us, which she has never experienced before because these can pose a problem for her condition. Having vaginal discharge in early … Read more

What is the newborn’s immune system like?

What is the newborn's immune system like?

What is the newborn’s immune system like? Have you ever wondered what a newborn’s immune system looks like? This has an innate component, and another acquired one that requires exposure to microbes and helps the mother to develop. The immune system is an excellent biological barrier, as it protects the body from various pathologies, regardless … Read more

Nelson Mandela quotes that educate children in peace

Nelson Mandela quotes that educate children in peace and non-violence

Nelson Mandela quotes that educate children in peace and non-violence Nelson Mandela was an example of tolerance and the fight for human rights, a character that appears in history books but that parents can also have very present in our day to day because of the teachings he transmits. We have selected some of his … Read more

Pregnancy and overweight = compulsory diet?

Pregnancy and overweight = compulsory diet?

Pregnancy and overweight = compulsory diet? There are overweight and overweight, we agree. But when it comes to a real overweight and expecting a baby, the time comes to wonder if the extra pounds can have an impact on the fetus In this article, we will discuss how pregnancy and overweight issues. Update with kidsrush.com. … Read more

Probiotics for babies

Probiotics for babies

Probiotics for babies Bacteria-based supplements have various benefits for the gastrointestinal tract of adults, but do you know if it is healthy to give probiotics to babies and newborns? Here we give you the answer Is it appropriate to provide probiotics for very young babies? What are the risks of modifying the infant’s intestinal flora? … Read more