Causes of leg pain in children

Causes of leg pain in children

Causes of leg pain in children: In children, pain in the extremities of the body is common because they are growing. Many times there is no other cause behind these discomforts, which are typical of childhood and adolescence. However, sometimes, some diseases can be behind the pain, this being the first warning sign that something … Read more

Parents’ mistakes that cause low self-esteem in children

low self-esteem in children

Parents’ mistakes that cause low self-esteem in their children:  Sometimes parents are responsible, either for their actions or omissions, for the low self-esteem of their children. In we tell you some of the mistakes that parents make and that lower the self-esteem of children so that you can avoid them. Besides, we give you … Read more

Get pregnant after breast enlargement or reduction

Get pregnant after breast enlargement or reduction

Get pregnant after breast enlargement or reduction: Getting pregnant after having a breast enlargement or reduction, in principle, does not have any problem or any contraindication. The ideal and important thing is to perform these procedures with a reasonable time of at least 6 months both before and after either of these two surgeries. Why … Read more

What is congenital hypothyroidism?

congenital hypothyroidism

Congenital hypothyroidism is a serious disease with no definitive cure. It is crucial to detect it early to administer a medication that prevents serious consequences in the child’s development. There is congenital hypothyroidism when a baby cannot produce normal amounts of thyroid hormone at birth. Sometimes this means a decrease in the production of the … Read more

Alopecia in children: why does it occur?

Alopecia in children: why does it occur?

Alopecia in children is a rare condition and can have several causes. In most cases, it can be treated successfully, although there are also situations in which hair loss is permanent. Alopecia in children is not a very common problem. It is estimated that it only corresponds to 1% of pediatric consultations. However, this should … Read more

Herpes zoster in children: causes, symptoms, and treatments

Herpes zoster in children

Herpes zoster in children: causes, symptoms, and treatments: Shingles or herpes zoster occur in children, but less often than in adults. How does it manifest? What can cause it? This time we tell you more about this infection. Keep reading! Herpes zoster in children, also known in popular parlance as “shingles,” is a rare viral … Read more

Tonsillitis in children: how to treat it?

Tonsillitis in children: how to treat it?

Tonsillitis in children: how to treat it?: Tonsillitis in children rarely causes complications. In any case, it is a medical condition that must be evaluated by the pediatrician, especially if it occurs regularly. What to do about it? Tonsillitis in children is a common health problem, especially during the first years of life. It is … Read more