Nelson Mandela quotes that educate children in peace

Nelson Mandela quotes that educate children in peace and non-violence

Nelson Mandela quotes that educate children in peace and non-violence Nelson Mandela was an example of tolerance and the fight for human rights, a character that appears in history books but that parents can also have very present in our day to day because of the teachings he transmits. We have selected some of his … Read more

How to teach children to tie shoelaces?

teach children to tie shoelaces

How to teach children to tie shoelaces? Teaching children to tie shoelaces can challenge parents’ patience, which is why many decide to delay that learning and continue to resort to velcro or slip-on shoes. However, learning to tie the shoelaces is not another step towards child autonomy, it also represents one of the first tasks … Read more

Step by step guide to help your child overcome his fears

guide to help your child overcome his fears

Step by step guide to help your child overcome his fears: In all their lives, human beings will always be confronted with fear, but this fear is felt to different degrees. Who are we afraid of? Is it from a family member, school, friend, group, community, or country? All of these concerns give some importance … Read more